Furnishr Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Furnishr Inc. is committed to the protection of the personal information of its customers and visitors to its website. Furnishr Inc. business and practices, and this Furnishr Privacy Policy, adhere to provincial and federal privacy laws, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada).
You, a visitor to our ‘’ website (the “Website”), give consent to Furnishr to collect, hold, disclose, and use your personal information submitted through the Website (including all information submitted in connection with making an online purchase). The consent is given by registering your contact details, other personal information, entering into a purchase agreement, or by engaging in other forms of electronic communication with Furnishr.
No further consent is required, but consent to the storage and processing of personal information you have provided to Furnishr can be revoked at any time by contacting us.
Furnishr collects, holds and makes use of two main types of data: (1) Use Data, and (2) Personal Data.
(1) Use Data does not contain personal data or other personally identifiable information about you. The Website, its servers, or other service providers, may collect information indirectly and automatically about your activities while visiting the Website, such as the IP address accessing the website, what pages are viewed, the times spent on a page, and browser information. Furnishr uses this data for internal purposes to better understand how visitors interact with the Website for administrative purposes and to improve the user’s experience.
In any case where Use Data is stored along with your Personal Data, it will be treated in the same way as Personal Data.
(2) Personal Data includes the information that a visitor may provide when making use of the Website. This includes your name, address, payment information, and any personal information you add to a registered account when making use of the Website and its services. We take the collection, storage and use of Personal Data very seriously, and will use industry standard security mechanisms to protect your Personal Data.
We do not knowingly collect personal data from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, please do not use the personal account features and services of the Website without adult accompaniment.
We use the data collected for the purpose of providing and developing the services contained in the Website. An example of this is using your data to ensure that our services are customized and targeted to your specific use.
We may use your Personal Data in direct marketing, unless you let us know that you do not wish to receive such marketing, either by unsubscribing upon receiving any communication from us, or managing your registered account settings on the Website. On your express opt-in consent, we may provide your Personal Data to our partners for marketing communication purposes. Personal Data can be also used for contacting you if required for the provision of services, in accordance with applicable laws.
As noted above, Furnishr uses third party service providers (“Hosting Providers”) for hosting the service and storing the information collected from you and other users. Apart from Hosting Providers, Furnishr does not disclose your Personal Data to third parties unless:
1. you have provided us with your express opt-in consent for doing so;
2. the disclosure is reasonably necessary for us to be able to enforce our Terms and Conditions or other policies;
3. the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the purposes of detecting and preventing fraud or security breaches; or
4. applicable law requires us to disclose it.
We may share aggregate anonymous Use Data (provided that it does not contain any Personal Data) to select third parties, in accordance with this policy.
The Website uses tracking technology (cookies), which help make the Website more user-friendly, efficient, and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device and used by your browser. Our cookies will not harm your device, and do not contain any viruses. Nevertheless, if you do not want to use cookies, this will not prevent you from accessing the Website, though it may make using some of the Website’s features and services more difficult or impossible to use.
Furnishr reserves the right to update this policy at any time without notice beforehand. We will post a notification on the main page of the Websites if revisions to this policy are made. We encourage users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protection the personal information we collect, but staying aware of any modifications is ultimately your responsibility.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at hi@furnishr.com.